Todd Norin
Network Security
CIS 284
Vtech is a British Toy company that was just hacked. Again it seems like there are hackings every day almost or at least every week. On the heels of Black Friday I would imagine that there were a lot of attempted hackings going on.
Each of these hacks seem to target similar things or people's finances. Some are different but the most of them seem to effect the customers. By stealing bank account information etc.
This article states "A large amount of data, which looked like it could be from the hack, was seen online but has now been hidden, according to some experts. It also appeared to include a considerable number of children's names, dates of birth and gender."
It seems these people who do the hacking are getting more and more dangerous. Not sure there is an answer to the questions that we seek.
This article has some good tips on how to prevent cyber attacks. They say that malware attacks seem to happen more on Mondays than any other day. The attackers know that there are more people online, so there will be more attacks. Cyber Monday is not a one-day thing, it's the beginning of a sustained focus on attacks that go after people in the holiday shopping season
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