Todd Norin
Network Security
Blog #6
While we are on the topic of schools and work places being vulnerable. I think this is a very good topic to talk about. If you are going to have a school campus you may want to have more cameras and security around the computer labs. I'm not saying all the time but it may be a good idea to monitor what your students are looking at. IT security or campus security can't stop everyone from checking out inappropriate sites or using the network for malicious behavior but if they stay vigilant then these acts might decrease.
This reminds me of one of my jobs I was working at, I was working at Sun Micro-systems in Hillsboro as a contractor and we noticed one of our co workers was looking at inappropriate material on the web, we didn't know how to react so we just let it go. I think companies need to address this in meetings. I've seen people at jobs use the internet all the time for non related work stuff. We're all guilty of it at some point. The reason not to look at bad websites is mainly the factor that when you connect to these websites viruses can find your email addresses just by going on to these sites and by the time you know the whole school or work place could have been infected by some kind of computer virus. This has happened in the past.
This is the article I read and it's very interesting:
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