Sunday, October 25, 2015

Netowork security, teaching children about Network Security on the internet.

Todd Norin
Network Security CIS284

Network security and children,

How to keep your kids safe on line and away from targeted cyber attacks. They may not know what emails to not open or links to not click. It's very important to teach your kids on line safety. Before you know it your child could have a virus infected on your computer by just opening an email. If you child is at an age where they can understand email and know how to open email you should tell them to look for emails that don't look right or aren't from someone they know and tell them not to open it. It could save you a lot of money in the long run. I have seen people let their kids use the internet which is great and can be a very good learning tool. Just make sure the child knows the difference , it can be taught very easily. Start them young, start talking to them about emails and viruses at a young age eventually it will click. I learned how to use computers at age 8. Haven't stopped. I knew about viruses in the late 80's early 90's. Even though not as common as now I knew about hackers and people had the ability to mess up your computers even at age 10. Kids pick up things and easily can understand visual things if you show them don't open emails that you don't know or don't click on links you don't understand. Set parental controls on your computers. Make sure you children know internet safety.

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